Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Offline and Online, Offline and Online, etc etc...

Due to the Christmas season, work, deadlines etc etc, posts may be intermittent-to-zero here until the New Year, so I'll take this opportunity wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and a happy and healthy 2012!


  1. Same to you Nick, all the best for the season.

    Let's make the most of 2012 before those Mayan bastards spoil it all by changing the frigging dimensions and raising our vibrations.

    Who asked them?! Cheeky, big-headed bastards.

  2. I confidently predict we will all be opening our Christmas presents next December, and the world will be intact, and like nearly all prophecies, the Mayan ones will not come true. Unless, that is, nefarious forces using weather-control devices fabricate a 2012 disaster via Tsunamis and earthquakes, as a means to lower population levels etc. But, of course, that could never happen....

  3. Feliz Navidad, Nick!

    We're having elections next year here in Mexico; so my fantasy right now is that when the Mayan gods return next year, that they demand the customary welcome: by having the highest-ranking leader to offer a proper blood sacrifice, using a long maguey needle to pierce his penis >:)

  4. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and tip one back for me! Looking forward to having you back in the saddle.

